

I've always been fascinated with computers and electronics. After spending years working in the hospitality industry, I decided to go back to college for Computer Engineering. I am expected graduate from the University of Central Florida in December of 2014.

Me working on a tracked vehicle in the garage

My minor is in Intelligent Robotic Systems which combines several topics I find interesting. In my final semester my team and I are designing and building a Laser Distance Sensor for Senior Design. I hope to document some of the process here on this site.


I believe that using the right tool for the job can make life a lot easier. Here are some of the products I use and love.


  • Vim - Text Editor
  • tmux - Terminal Multiplexer
  • Alfred - Application Launcher
  • git - Version Control
  • Calca - Notebook Style Calculator



The current version of this site was created using the Pelican static site generator and a custom theme based on the Pure CSS blog example.